JK Blaster


JKBlaster is an OBD2 device designed for 2007-2017 Jeep JK vehicles. The device/app communicates over a WiFi point to modify vehicle calibrations, live features, dtc scanning, soon live data and more. While a device is required for full functionality of the app, you may feel free to check it out before buying.
App may not be available in all countries, such as Greece, due to different software publishing laws. Check your device's app store before purchasing the JK Blaster.


Scan the QR codes or click the App Store badges below to view the mobile application and screenshots.


Available on both Android & iOS

App Screenshots

Home Screen

Here you can monitor your dashboard, which contains information about your vehicle, the device and your connection.


Navigate our menu options:
Calibration - Tire Size, Axle/TC Ratio TPMS, TPSi, Lights, Aux, Backup Cam.
Live Features -  Locker Control, Linelock, Winch Mode, Lightshows
Scan - View and clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes, including definitions.
Definitions - Lookup any DTC present in our database.
Settings -  WiFi device settings, SSID/Password.
Community - Coming Soon!


Tire Size, Axle/TC Ratio TPMS, TPSi, Lights, Aux, Backup Cam.

Live Features

Front/Rear Locker Control, Linelock, Winch Mode, Lightshows


Scan or Clear DTC's present in your vehicle, you may also view the Diagnostic Trouble Code information by clicking any of the cardviews shown in the scan list. 


Lookup any DTC to figure out how to repair your vehicle, chances are have information on it. We even included a search bar for you. 


Coming Soon!
